Sunday, May 22, 2016

Getting Started with Android Studio - Installation Guide

Android Studio - Installation

The following guide goes through the complete installation of Android Studio and associated items along with links so you can easily follow along.

STEP 1: Install the JAVA Development Kit (JDK)

Go To -

for latest version check :

Accept the license agreement

Choose the specific install that matches your computer configuration 

I am using a Windows x64 machine -

Save and Run the .exe file
The Installation Wizard will open 
Hit NEXT -
Install the Development Tools and Source Code to the default location-
Hit NEXT -

Hit NEXT Again to install in the default location folder -
Hit CLOSE once the installation is complete -

Ensure that the  JAVA_HOME environmental variable points to the location of your JDK install.

For Windows 8 go to the control panel -> system -> advanced system settings

Select Environmental Variables -

Highlight the JAVA_HOME Variable

Hit EDIT -

Fill in the full file location of the JDK that was installed earlier and hit OK -

STEP 2: Install Android Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Go To -

Hit the green DOWNLOAD Button

Accept the license terms


If the File Save Prompt does not pop-up try again -

Click Download on the Left -

Save (this may take a little while) and Run the .exe file
The Android Studio Setup will launch
Hit NEXT -
Make sure all three options are selected for install
Hit NEXT -
 Agree to the license terms -
Use the default locations for the install
Hit NEXT -


When the install is complete hit NEXT -

Hit FINISH to close

IF you get an error about file not being found update the JAVA_HOME environmental variable to point to the location of your JDK install (see STEP 1).

Now you are all set!

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